"OPT" out

This document serves as a comprehensive exposition of SnugglePals's data privacy compliance and opt-out procedures. As a conscientious entity, we are committed to upholding legal standards and ensuring the protection of individual privacy rights. It is imperative for users to thoroughly peruse and comprehend the intricate provisions outlined herein.

Data Collection Framework:

In strict adherence to our Privacy Policy, SnugglePals engages in the meticulous collection of personal information during user interactions with our website. This process encompasses the judicious use of cookies and analogous technologies. The sharing of this information with third parties, including advertising partners, for targeted advertising purposes may fall under the classifications of "sales," "sharing," or "targeted advertising" under specific U.S. state privacy laws. Residents may possess the right to opt out of such activities contingent upon their jurisdiction.

Opt-Out Procedures:

Email Communications: Users seeking to abstain from receiving promotional emails or newsletters can effectively utilize the "Unsubscribe" link seamlessly embedded in any promotional correspondence. The assurance of an expeditious removal from our mailing list is hereby conveyed.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies: Empowering users to exercise control over cookies and tracking technologies, we recommend adjusting browser settings. Detailed directives for managing cookies are available in the browser's documentation.

Analytics and Third-Party Services: To afford users greater agency, we encourage exploration of opt-out mechanisms concerning data collected through analytics tools or third-party services. Such mechanisms can often be accessed through the respective platforms of these services.

Direct Contact - Privacy Team: Recognizing the importance of personalized support, users are invited to address specific data-related concerns or requests by contacting our Privacy Team at helpsnugglepals@gmail.com. Our commitment is to provide timely responses and comprehensive assistance in alignment with our Privacy Policy.

Critical Considerations and Impacts:

Opting out of designated data collection practices, while respecting user privacy preferences, may nevertheless influence the overall user experience on our website. Certain features may become temporarily or permanently inaccessible.

Users are advised to allow for a reasonable duration for opt-out preferences to be fully processed. During this transitional period, it is acknowledged that users may still receive communications.

Policy Amendments and Compliance Updates: This Data Privacy Compliance and Opt-Out Procedures document is subject to periodic review and revisions in line with evolving legal frameworks. Users are strongly encouraged to consult this document regularly for the latest information, compliance updates, and to stay informed on matters pertaining to data privacy.

Several U.S. states have enacted data privacy laws that include provisions for consumers to opt-out of the sale or sharing of their personal information. 

California: The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) provide consumers with the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal information.

Nevada: The Nevada Privacy Law allows consumers to opt-out of the sale of their covered information.

Virginia: The Virginia Consumer Data Protection Act (VCDPA) provides consumers with the right to opt-out of the processing of their personal data for targeted advertising, the sale of personal data, and profiling.

Colorado: The Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) grants consumers the right to opt-out of the sale of their personal data.

Your conscientious engagement in reviewing and managing your data preferences is esteemed. For further legal inquiries or concerns, our dedicated team remains at your disposal.

Email: helpsnugglepals@gmail.com